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Delivery of SuDS - Standards and schemes


15 October 2013


Delivery of high quality Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and compliance with the National Standards for Sustainable Drainage requires a good understanding of designing and evaluating drainage systems that meet design criteria for flows, volumes, water quality (and amenity and biodiversity).

Within the industry there is some concern about the delivery of SuDS in particular the impact they may have on development viability, practicability and how schemes may be effectively designed, approved, constructed and managed. These concerns can be overcome with good design and constructive dialogue between relevant stakeholders.

This free seminar delivered by a mixture of experts that have been advising Defra on the development of National Standards, supporting CIRIA on the update of the SuDS Manual or designing good schemes, or a mixture of all three provides a fantastic opportunity to share good practice. The seminar should also facilitate the delivery of innovative and cost effective schemes that not only function well but provide multiple benefits.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Alastair Atkinson - Delivering a viable SuDS development

Bridget Woods Ballard - Managing flows and volumes

Steve Wilson - Managing water quality

David Singleton - Delivering great schemes



Managing surface water from highways


10 July 2012


A wide variety of SuDS components provide water quality improvement by reducing sediments and contamination. This seminar had a focus on how SuDS can be integrated within highways helping compliance with the Flood and Water Management Act, the Water Framework Directive as well as provide other environmental, economic and societal benefits.

The seminar will be of particular interest to those working on surface water management and/or highways. This will also be of interest to those likely to be involved in designing and approving SuDS in accordance with the National Standards for Sustainable Drainage and other established good practice.

Event Report

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To see videos for all the presentation please visit: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL571E96351C108B75&feature=plcp)

Event Presentations

Paul Shaffer and Robert Huxford - Welcome and overview
Damian Crilly - Water quality - the challenge
Richard Martin - What is NADP?
Steve Wilson - SuDS for highways
David Schofield - Managing surface water quality from highway runoff with proprietary technology
Gordon Hunt - Management of surface water from the highway
David Harding - Water Company perspectives on the management of surface water from highways
Owen Davies - Retro fitting surface water measures along highways
Drew Hill and Ged Mitchell - SuDS maintenance and whole life costs
David Walters - Preventing pollution from the existing highway infrastructure



Delivery of SuDS - standards, design criteria and tools


29 March 2012


The draft National SuDS Standards have been released and are creating considerable debate. Implementation of these Standards will require :

• drainage systems to be designed and constructed to the given criteria;
• compliance to be assessed and approved by SuDS Approving Bodies (SABs);
• clear guidance on affordability and practicability.

This seminar and presentations will be of particular interest to those working on surface water management and those likely to be involved in designing and approving SuDS in accordance with the Standards.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Paul Shaffer - Welcome and overview
Richard Kellagher - SuDS hydraulic criteria
Bridget Woods Ballard - SuDS water quality criteria
Richard Kellagher - Design tools
Bridget Woods Ballard - Site evaluation constraints
Gerry Wildman - The infiltration SuDS map Programme
Oliver Francis - MUSIC for Water Sensitive Urban Design
John Howe - Permeable pavement design tool
Claire Underhill - SuDS Asset Management
Bridget Woods Ballard - Affordability and costing of SuDS
Simon Bunn - Localism and delivering SuDS



Flood risk partnerships - a workshop on the benefits and delivery


26 March 2012


Closer cooperation and partnerships between inland local authorities has been reinforced by the Flood and Water Management Act, The National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy and more recently the Localism Act. With increasing financial, time and resource constraints it is likely that collaboration between local authorities will be vital in managing flood risk.

This seminar (primarily for local authorities) provided an engaging overview of some of the innovative approaches around the country to cost effectively tackle common challenges. The seminar explored the critical success factors, pitfalls and requirements for partnerships. It will also discuss the drivers and benefits of partnerships and explain how the challenges can be overcome.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Paul Shaffer - Introduction
Bryan Curtis - Partnership working within the coastal groups
Mark Young - Partnership working in flood risk management
Nick Humfrey - Better together: thoughts on building partnerships and relationships in Essex
Gareth Bruff and Andrew Cameron - Working together to manage local flood risk in Manchester
Kevin Macknay - Working together in the south east



Urban flood risk-preparation and response


05 October 2011


An important part of managing flood risks is ensuring an effective response to incidents when they do happen. It is therefore good practice to consider the issues likely to be faced during a flooding incident well in advance to help understand particular priorities within a community and the full range of potential challenges. This seminar primarily based on outputs from the Flood Risk Management Consortium provided an engaging overview of approaches to assist with the management of flooding and subsequent recovery, covering science and its practical application.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Colin Berghouse - Introduction
Hazel Faulkner - Approaches for the planning and response to flooding
Meghan Alexander - A tool for the assessment and visualisation of flood vulnerability
Lorna Fewtrell - Health and environmental impacts following flooding
Mervyn Pettifor - Flooding – perspective from an Emergency Planner



Coastal flood risk - from storm surge and waves to inundation


26 May 2011


The Flood Risk Management Research Consortium provides leading edge research on flood risk management addressing the challenges to deliver more accurate flood forecasting and warning that underpins flood management and the identification and reduction of risks to people, property and the environment.

This seminar provides an engaging overview of coastal processes and flooding essential in understanding the impact of waves, wind, tides and storm surges, on eventual inundation and flooding. The seminar will also demonstrate how an understanding of the processes can help inform Shoreline Management Plans, coastal spatial planning and the structural and non-structural approaches to coastal flood risk management.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Peter Stansby - Introduction
Alistair Borthwick - Inundation
Chris Wilson - Offshore wind, waves, tides and storm surges
Maurice McCabe - Numerical predication of wave overtopping
Nicholas Chini & Peter Stansby - Nearshore coastal hydrodynamics
Paul Shaffer - FRMRC2 and Landform dissemination workshop
Peter Stansby & Nicholas Chini - Coastal inundation at Walcott using TELEMAC system


Working together to manage local flood risk


17 May 2011


Cooperation and local partnerships are key themes of the Flood and Water Management Act and the Localism Bill. It is likely that collaboration between local authorities, other organisations and communities will be vital in managing future flood risk where there is growing pressure on skills and funds. Many local authorities are working together to share information, data, procurement and experience to develop strategies and deliver infrastructure and flood risk management projects.

This seminar provided an engaging overview of some of the innovative approaches around the country to cost effectively tackle common challenges. The seminar will also discuss the drivers and benefits of partnerships as well as explain how some of the typical challenges of joint working have been overcome.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Kevin Reid - Drain London
Ted Edwards - Working together to manage local flood risk
Peter Davis - The Yorkshire & Humber Learning and Action Alliance
Steve Wragg - The need for partnerships - we all need to work together


Early Action funded projects to manage local flood risk


17 January 2011


Recent flooding demonstrates that the flood risk from surface water and groundwater remains a significant challenge. As part of the Government’s response to the Pitt Review of the 2007 flooding, Defra in March 2010 announced that 49 local authorities would receive over £5m for Early Action projects to manage surface water and groundwater flood risk.

The Flood and Water Management Act places local authorities at the heart of delivering improved local flood risk management, with clarified responsibilities for surface water management and ground water. The Early Action funding supports earlier work looking at integrated urban drainage and provided funds for capital projects delivering sustainable drainage initiatives through landscaping, managing drainage exceedance, retrofitting SuDS and the production of Surface Water Management Plans.

Event Report

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Event Presentations

Brian Higgs & Graham Hodgson - GIS facilitating the delivery of a surface water management plan
Jonathan Hunter - Early action funding
Laurence King - The team and its delegated roles regarding the Early Action Schemes
Richard T Caple - Implementation of defra Surface Water Early Action grant
Wayne Best - Early Action Bids


SuDS not duds


03 November 2010


The government response to the Pitt review of the 2007 flooding and the Flood and Water Management Act (2010) drove forward the delivery of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) within developments.

Local authorities have a vital role in the delivery of SuDS. The proposed National Standards for Sustainable Drainage will reinforce this role and formalise the approach for the approval of SuDS and their associated maintenance.

In lieu of the Standards, some local authorities have developed their own guidance setting out their aspirations and approach to SuDS delivery within the context of their Local Development Framework and characteristics of their local area. This approach seeks to bring together spatial planning, urban design and engineering disciplines, providing clarity for developers and their consultants on the delivery of high quality SuDS schemes.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Vicky Dawe – The regulatory context for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): Flood and Water Management Act 2010
Meyrick Brentnall – SuDS guidance in Gloucester – A story
Simon Bunn – The Cambridge approach to SuDS
Ruth Newton – SuDS in the City – Delivering SuDS in a dense urban environment



Stemming the flow - Managing flood risk in existing developments


15 October 2009


The devastating flooding experienced in 2007 demonstrated the impact of flooding on people, businesses and communities. Subsequent reviews of the 2007 flooding, guidance and proposed changes to regulations suggest that flood risk in existing developments needs to be tackled. This involves addressing difficulties in communities already vulnerable to flooding and/or looking at the opportunities regeneration provides to improve the way that flooding is managed in existing developments.

This event focused on the challenges and approaches to managing flood risk in existing developments, what can be done to retrofit flood risk measures and assist with recovery at building, development and community scales.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Nigel Ridgeway - Arup Chair
Andrew Savage - Warwickshire County Council: Overview of flooding in Warwickshire
David Schofield - Arup: Managing surface water with retrofit sustainable drainage
Mary Dhonau - Natioanl Flood Forum: Preparing and recovering from flooding
Melaine Dinnis - Birmingham City Council: Flooding and emergencies


Peter Brett Associates, Arup


Power to the People - leaderships, partnerships and
participation in local flood risk management


30 July 2009


Leadership, partnership and participation are thought by many to be vital in flood and coastal erosion risk management. This has been reinforced by responses from the Pitt review and central government.
There are numerous stakeholders involved in management of flood risk and leadership is required from central government, local government and the Environment Agency to mention a few.

This event looks at interactions with stakeholders, the delivery of leadership and partnerships identifying key lessons learnt from approaches in other local authority functions and good practice already being delivered in local flood risk management.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Martin Osbourne - Mouchel & Landform Chair
Steve Cook - Environment Agency: The Environment Agency approach
Kathy Derrick - Bristol City Council: Local authorities approach - engagement and partnerships on Bristol's rivers
Peter Frew - North Norfolk District Council: Local authorities approach - coastal and flood risk management
David Sellers - Leeds City Council: Local authorities approach - inland flood risk managment


Mouchel, Peter Brett Associates, Local Government Association


Sustainable drainage - getting under the surface?


03 December 2008


The Pitt Review into the 2007 floods places a great emphasis on the need for proper surface water management and permeable surfaces in high density, urban areas. In anticipation of the Government's official response to the Pitt Review, this event presents the role of permeable surfaces in SUDS and offers practical solutions for local authorities on how best to incorporate these systems into the successful planning and delivery of Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP's).

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Paul Shaffer - CIRIA & Landform (Chairman)
Steve Wilson - Environmental Protection Group (EPG): Role of permeable pavements in SUDS
Jenny Barker - Cherwell District Council: Planning for sustainable drainage and permeable surfaces
Barry West - Oxfordshire County Council: Delivering for sustainable drainage and permeable surfaces
Roger Nowell - Sheffield County Council: Memories of Malmo




Adapting to a climate of change – capacity
building for flood risk management


26 November 2008


To enable relevant stakeholders in the UK to improve long term planning and ensure a greater response to future flood events, the Pitt Review recognises the need for capacity building within local authorities. This will ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to ensure they can use their available resources to meet the recommendations of the Pitt review and effectively deliver co-ordinated flood risk management strategies.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Martin Osborne - Mouchel (Chairman)
Johnathan Chapman - Environment Agency: Legislative Change – what it might mean for local authorities
Liz Sharp - Pennine Water Group: Capacity building for flood risk management
Tony Poole - City of Bradford Metroplitan District Council: Capacity building for FRM – responding to the challenge and learning alliances
Judy Payne - Hemdean Consulting: Knowledge management and capacity building




Household flood resilience and protection - Defra consultation workshop (Reading)


24 October 2008


This event was one of four one-day events organised as part of Defra’s consultation on policy options for promoting the take-up of household resilience and protection measures.The aim of the workshop was to explain and discuss the Government’s draft proposals, to obtain informal feedback from participants on the options being considered and to help participants focus their thinking before they write their formal responses to the consultation.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Andy Tagg - HR Wallingford: Overview of resilience and protection
Maru Dhonau - National Flood Forum: Examples of flood resilience
John Goudie - Defra: Introduction to pilot projects
John Goudie - Defra: Overview of the consultation
Ian Harrison - Newark and Sherwood District Councile: Bleasby, Nottingham pilot project
Tim Harries - Defra: Overview of proposed policy options
Mary Dhonau - National Flood Forum: Positive interaction with stakeholders




Household flood resilience and protection - Defra consultation workshop (Bristol)


23 October 2008


This event was one of four one-day events organised as part of Defra’s consultation on policy options for promoting the take-up of household resilience and protection measures.The aim of the workshop was to explain and discuss the Government’s draft proposals, to obtain informal feedback from participants on the options being considered and to help participants focus their thinking before they write their formal responses to the consultation.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Andy Tagg - HR Wallingford: Overview of resilience and protection
Maru Dhonau - National Flood Forum: Examples of flood resilience
John Goudie - Defra: Introduction to pilot projects
John Goudie - Defra: Overview of the consultation
Ian Harrison - Newark and Sherwood District Councile: Bleasby, Nottingham pilot project
Tim Harries - Defra: Overview of proposed policy options
Mary Dhonau - National Flood Forum: Positive interaction with stakeholders




Household flood resilience and protection - Defra consultation workshop (Manchester)


17 October 2008


This event was one of four one-day events organised as part of Defra’s consultation on policy options for promoting the take-up of household resilience and protection measures.The aim of the workshop was to explain and discuss the Government’s draft proposals, to obtain informal feedback from participants on the options being considered and to help participants focus their thinking before they write their formal responses to the consultation.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Fola Ogunyoye - Royal Haskoning: Overview of resilience and protection
Tim Harries - Defra: Encouraging take-up (research evidence)
John Goudie - Defra: Introduction to pilot projects
John Goudie - Defra: Overview of the consultation
Ged McAllister - Lancaster City Council: Sunderland Point pilot project
Tim Harries - Defra: Overview of proposed policy options




Household flood resilience and protection - Defra consultation workshop (York)


15 October 2008


This event was one of four one-day events organised as part of Defra’s consultation on policy options for promoting the take-up of household resilience and protection measures.The aim of the workshop was to explain and discuss the Government’s draft proposals, to obtain informal feedback from participants on the options being considered and to help participants focus their thinking before they write their formal responses to the consultation.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Will McBain - Arup: Property protection and resilience
Tim Harries - Defra: Encouraging take-up (research evidence)
John Goudie - Defra: Introduction to pilot projects
John Goudie - Defra: Overview of the consultation
David Sellers - Leeds City Council: Dunhill Estate, Leeds pilot project
Tim Harries - Defra: Overview of proposed policy options
Mary Dhonau - National Flood Forum: Positive interaction with stakeholders




Flood resilience management in new developments


09 April 2008


This seminar focused on helping delegates understand the implications of PPS25 for Local Authorities, the key issues faced by Local Authorities and Consultants when developing
new sites and how good practice in managing flood risk can be achieved at a development level.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Steve Cook - EA: Development and flood risk - the Environment Agency's approach to PPS25
Olivier Boulter - Horsham District Council: A Local Authority's approach to strategic flood risk assessment
Peter Bide - DCLG: PPS25 Planning to manage flood risk
Simon Purcell - WSP: Flood Risk - the developers perspective




Flood resilience and resistance – adapting to a climate of change


05 February 2008


This event provided the hierarchy of flood management responses, and the new Exception Test and Sequential Test required by PPS25. The role of SUDS was outlined, and examples given of various forms. An overview of flood resilient and resistant construction was also provided

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

John Blanksby – University of Sheffield: Introduction
Paul Shaffer - CIRIA: Flood resistance and resilience for new buildings
Steve Dickie – MWH: Sustainable development and drainage design
Will McBain - ARUP: PPS25 overall development and flood risk strategy




Delivering sustainable drainage on the ground


20 September 2007


This event looked at how Oxfordshire County Council has championed SUDS through a multi-disciplinary approach to implementation as well as a proactive approach to overcoming the thorny issue of adoption.

Event Report

Delegate list

Event Presentations

Paul Shaffer - CIRIA: What is LANDFoRM?
Barry West - Oxford CC: Delivering SUDS
Gordon Hunt - Oxford CC: Delivering SUDS
Some Examples - Oxford CC


Interpave and The Concrete Centre



related links

Keeping ahead
with SUDS

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