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SuDS training

Related guidance from CIRIA

The SuDS manual

Designing for exceedance in urban drainage - good practice

Structural design of modular geocellular drainage tanks




Available in-house and at locations across the UK

SABs facilitation workshop for LAs

CIRIA launches a one-day in-house facilitation workshop to work alongside those departments and individuals in Local Authorities who are trying to get to grips with SuDS and SABs requirements outlined in the latest Defra consultation on the Draft National Standards.
Find out more click here

SuDS Foundation Course

This course complements current regulations and the latest SuDS guidance (The SuDS manual).

The training programme will enable practitioners to efficiently plan, design, construct and manage SuDS schemes in accordance with best practice guidance and the relevant legal and regulatory framework.

Find out more and book your place

Designing SuDS

This course introduces basic design information to reinforce current SuDS guidance and regulatory framework. The first day of the module covers elementary design principles and the second day will develop these concepts to an advanced level and discuss the construction process. Delegates should be familiar with the SuDS approach and have a basic understanding of hydrology and basic drainage design theory.

Find out more and book your place

Contact us

If you have any questions about CIRIA’s SuDS training programme, or would like to discuss specific training requirements, contact CIRIA:

+44 (0)20 7549 3300



Managing surface water from highways
10 July 2012, London

FREE LANDFORM event supported by Defra

This FREE daylong seminar will have a focus on how SuDS can manage the water quality from hard surfaces, particularly highways.  Providing an overview of relevant regulations, their direction of travel and discussing some approaches to manage highway runoff through the use of SuDS this event will help those wondering about integrating SuDS and highways, managing water quality and the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. It will also discuss how typical challenges around maintenance, liabilities and delivery can be effectively overcome.

For further information and to book please visit:

Surface water management - direction, policy & practice
27 June 2012, London

This event will provide an overview of surface water from the emerging policy context to the realities of practical delivery. It will demonstrate the multiple benefit and developments in scheme evaluation, and provide some case studies about how the approach is progressing.

For further information please visit:

