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home > using SuDS > case studies > Lamb Drove

Lamb Drove - SuDS residential scheme


Lamb Drove is located within Cambourne, a new settlement 13km west of Cambridge (see Fig 1 and 2).

Fig 1: Location of Cambourne (click for link)


Lamb Drove is a residential development of 35 affordable homes (developed and owned by Cambridge Housing Society) on a one hectare site. The aim of the Lamb Drove SuDS scheme was to showcase practical and innovative Sustainable Water Management Techniques (incorporating SuDS and property flood resilience and resistance) within new residential developments.

The project intended to demonstrate that SuDS are a viable and attractive alternative to more traditional forms of drainage and to deliver practical solutions for new housing areas.

Main SuDS used

A range of SuDS components were used to demonstrate different available techniques and the application of ‘management train’ from ‘prevention’ to ‘site control’ and ‘regional control’ components. The measures include: