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CIRIA SuDS projects



Guidance on retrofitting surface water management measures (RP922)

A variety of guidance documents exist on the implementation of surface water management and particularly sustainable drainage in new developments. However, the UK has a legacy of inadequate urban drainage in existing cities and towns.

This project on retrofitting surface water management will further develop and enhance (UK and overseas) research, guidance and initiatives it will provide generic good practice to address the challenges of improving existing surface water infrastructure and support regeneration. The guidance will include a framework for the planning, design and delivery of retrofit options and will support current UK policy.

The broad objective of this project is to develop a practical approach to more effective and sustainable management of surface water run-off (both quantity and quality) in existing urban areas.

For further information on the project please contact Jonathan Glerum on (0)20 7549 3300


LANDFoRM - Local Authority Network on Drainage and Flood Risk Management (RP948)

Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) are key stakeholders in the sustainable management of flood risk and drainage. This network has been set up to disseminate good practice, research outputs and policy relating to sustainable drainage and flood risk management to planners and operational staff within LPAs.

The network also provides those working within LPAs the opportunity to discuss issues and challenges, share knowledge and new approaches to facilitate the identification of common solutions through events and the online forum. As a result, participants of the network are able to keep abreast of good practice and changes in policy, practices and research.

For further information on the project please contact Paul Shaffer on (0)20 7549 3300



CIRIA is developing best practice guidance (a website and community). This new community will provide up to date guidance, topical information, case studies and photos, competitions and discussion forums for those involved in the planning, design, approval, delivery and maintenance of SuDS. The community will be known as susdrain; bringing together the full range of professionals involved in the delivery of sustainable drainage, helping to overcome typical challenges and responding to the changing regulatory landscape.

For further information click here or contact Jonathan Glerum on (0)20 7549 3300


UK guidance for Water Sensitive Urban Design
CIRIA is developing guidance to help introduce water sensitive urban design (WSUD) into UK practices. This will develop aspirational and visually engaging guidance demonstrating the benefits and practicalities of an integrated approach to sustainable water management using the concepts of WSUD.

For further information click here or contact Louise Clarke on (0)20 7549 3300


Structural design of modular geocellular drainage tanks – a review of practice
Geocellular drainage tanks make a useful contribution to the engineering options available which may be adopted as part of the drive for sustainable drainage. CIRIA publication Structural design of modular geocellular drainage tanks (C680) was developed to provide objective information on their design, testing and installation. Since publication in 2008 experience in the use of geocellular drainage tanks has grown and internationally much has been produced to support design and testing of their various structural forms. This project will produce revised guidance reflecting a natural evolution in the understanding of the design, proof testing, and performance of geocellular drainage tanks taking into account international progress in the development of design and testing standards.

For further information contact Paul Shaffer on (0)20 7549 3300


CIRIA SuDS Training

CIRIA and its partners have organised a number of training courses to build on current SuDS guidance and assist with the dissemination and implementation of good practice. The training programme will enable practitioners to efficiently plan, design, construct and manage SuDS schemes in accordance with best practice guidance and the relevant legal and regulatory framework

Visit the CIRIA website for more information and to book a place

In addition, CIRIA can provide a range of training packages to suit your individual and organisation's needs. Options include an introduction to SuDS and a 'pick n' mix' approach to bespoke in house SuDS training.

Contact Paul Shaffer at CIRIA for further information



