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Policy & regulation

Key Organisations

Government - Policy

The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs has overall policy responsibility for flood and coastal erosion risk in England.

Department for Communities and Local Government is responsible for the planning system in England, which aims to prevent inappropriate new developments in flood risk areas, and to direct development away from areas at highest risk.

The Scottish Executive has responsibility for Scottish national policy on flood prevention and provides grants to Local Authorities for constructing flood prevention schemes.

The Welsh Assembly Government is responsible for developing flood and coastal risk management policy in Wales and largely funds flood and coastal activities undertaken by Operating Authorities across Wales.

Cabinet Office

The Cabinet Office plays a central role in planning for emergencies and works with other government departments to ensure that the UK is prepared to deal with unexpected events. Guidance is available to the general public on how best to prepare themselves, their families and their homes and businesses in the event of flooding.

Operating Authorities - Implementation

Environment Agency

The principal duty of the Agency is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The Environment Act 1995 places the Agency under a duty to exercise a general supervision over all matters relating to flood defence. All its flood defence functions (except certain financial ones) are carried out by Regional Flood Defence Committees (RFDCs).

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is the flood warning authority in Scotland and through Floodline provides flood alerts to Floodline customers.

Local Authorities

Local Authorities have powers to undertake flood defence works under the Land Drainage Act 1991 on watercourses which have not been designated as main and which are not within internal drainage board areas.

Internal Drainage boards

Internal drainage boards (IDBs) are independent bodies, created to manage land drainage in areas of special drainage need. There are some 170 boards in England. They undertake flood defence works, other than on watercourses that have been designated as main.

Maritime Councils

There are 88 maritime councils which have powers to protect the land against coastal erosion under the Coast Protection Act 1949.

Local Authorities and the Environment Agency have powers and duties that largely complement each other in contributing towards the protection of the environment and enhancing the quality of life of local communities.

Local Authority groups

The Local Government Association (LGA) promotes the interests of English and Welsh local authorities.

County Surveyors' Society (CSS) represents local authority chief officers with responsibility for Strategic Planning, Transportation, the Environment, Waste Management and Economic Development. 

The Society represents the most senior professionals and managers of planning functions in the English Local Authorities.

There are 17 voluntary regional coastal defence groups covering the English and Welsh coastlines. It is their role to co-ordinate the development and implementation of regional policies for managing the coastline.

Regional groups

Greater Manchester SUDS Network

Provides stakeholders with the opportunity to share information and experiences in relation to both opportunities regarding wider flood risk management, water quality enhancement and biodiversity, and challenges including those relating to SUDS adoption and long term maintenance.

North Wales SUDS Network

Provide key stakeholders with a forum to improve communication and their understanding of sustainable drainage and the implementation of SUDS. The group also made links with the existing national SUDS Working Party for Wales working to remove barriers to SUDS.

The Regional groups are facilitated by Atkins. For further details please contact group facilitator Zorica Todorovic at Zorica.todorovic@atkinsglobal.com

Other key stakeholders

Water UK is the industry association that represents all UK water and wastewater service suppliers at national and European level.

Insurance Companies (ABI)

The Association of British Insurers represents the collective interests of the UK’s insurance industry and speaks out on issues of common interest.

Highways Authorities (Highways Agency)

Local highways authorities have responsibility for managing road drainage from roads on the local road network. The Highways Agency is responsible for managing road drainage from trunk road network in England.

Conservation Bodies(Natural England)

Natural England works for people, places and nature to conserve and enhance biodiversity, landscapes and wildlife in rural, urban, coastal and marine areas. Natural England brings together English Nature, the Countryside Agency and the Rural Development Service.

(Home Builders Federation)

The Home Builders Federation is the principal trade organisation for private sector house builders and voice of the home building industry in England and Wales.

(British Water)

British Water is the leading trade association representing the interests of the water and wastewater industry in the UK and overseas.

25 July, 2008


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