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Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) are key stakeholders in the sustainable management of flood risk and drainage. This network has been set up to disseminate good practice, research outputs and policy relating to sustainable drainage and flood risk management to planners and operational staff within LPAs.

The network also provides those working within LPAs the opportunity to discuss issues and challenges, share knowledge and new approaches to facilitate the identification of common solutions through events and the online forum. As a result, participants of the network are able to keep abreast of good practice and changes in policy, practices and research.

Network objectives

More specifically, the objectives of the network are to:

About this website

This embryo website hosts the electronic forum and signposts information on flood risk management and sustainable drainage. It is not intended to provide comprehensive information but should provide a portal to refer to other sites. It is anticipated that the website will evolve and as such we would welcome your input and feedback including any suggestions for related websites or any sites that become out of date etc.

Network management

The LANDFoRM network is managed by CIRIA who's responsibilities are to host this website and make the necessary updates, as well as organising events and meetings. The network is open and accessible to all in order to promote ease of access to resources and especially knowledge sharing between individuals. However it is primarily designed for those working in LPA's.

A Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) has been formed to help with the more technical aspects of drainage and flood risk management. The membership of the SAG includes representatives from regulators, Government, sewerage undertakers, Local Authorities and professional institutions. Click here for the list of current SAG members.

(August 2007)


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Keeping ahead
with SUDS

Attend SUDS training to keep ahead of the competition and to deliver innovative solutions in line with recognised good practice.
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