Repair and restoration of buildings following floods
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It is important to remember that if a building is seriously flooded it may be a case of several months before it becomes habitable again and it can be many weeks before it dries out.

Do not move into the building until it is structurally safe, sufficiently clean and, preferably, reasonably dry. Damp surfaces are good breeding grounds for mould and other fungi, so it is best to minimise the potential for fungal growth by drying them as quickly as possible. If you do re-occupy the building prior to this, ensure that the building is well ventilated and that an effective heating system is running at all times, preferably with a de-humidifier. From the point of view of security, it is generally advisable to reoccupy the building as rapidly as possible. The local council’s environmental health department may be able to assess whether the building is ready for re-occupation.

Once the building has been reoccupied, make provisions in case of any further floods (see the Environment Agency Floodline Web site).

20 November 2002
